August 04, 2016

What AlphaZ garment should I buy?

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't been posting... Summer's here and I find it really hard to sit down and type :P But, I'm back! I will be posting a few posts this month which will lead us into Fall so I'll probably be more active in September.

So, have any of you bought those fruit tops? I love them so much, especially because they're available for beex! They just look so summer-y! And just in case you didn't know, they'll be gone August 5th so get them while you can (I've already grabbed a few :P)

And I also have a poll for you guys! So I want to spend a little bit of wooz on one of the Alphaz tops in ShopZ but I need your help to decide! The poll is closing in a few days so if you're reading this, VOTE! What Alphaz garment should I buy? Please help me out D:

What Alphaz garment should I buy?

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