September 17, 2015

Wacky Wednesday + New Outfits!

Happy Wacky Wednesday fellow readers! I hope you've been having an awesome day/night so far :) Today, you can buy the tent unit in Shopz for 125 Wooz. We all know that the tent unit has been gone for quite awhile and unable to buy so now's your chance to grab it before Wacky Wednesday is over!

Plus, new outfits are now available in Store for the price of $4.99 but you can buy both of the new outfits and get 2 of each (not one) for $9.99. I found some woozens who were willing to model the girl outfits for our blog :)
 Callie Ziegler

The more popular outfit right now is the Callie Ziegler outfit because I couldn't find many woozens wearing the Emily Ember outfit but nonetheless, it's also pretty :)

Catch ya later (on Monday)
Fairy (new nickname xD)

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